In 2008, Cartoon Network introduced “Wedgies,” featuring short, 3-minute mini-series like The Talented Mr. Bixby, Calling Cat-22, and Nacho Bear.
The Tale of Nacho Bear
- Concept and Charm: Nacho Bear, an orange bear with his green raccoon companion, strives to capture a elusive nacho-flavored tortilla chip in the wilderness. The chip, resembling a leaf, perpetually eludes them, adding to the comedic charm of the cartoon.
- Spoiler Alert: “The Long One,” Nacho Bear’s final episode, originally concluded with the chip slipping away, leaving our bear despondent and unresolved.
Devin Millar’s Intervention
- Creative Ingenuity: Devin Millar, not your average independent musician, used his animation skills to rewrite Nacho Bear’s fate.
- Resolution: In Devin’s version of “The Long One,” the chip lands on Nacho Bear’s tail, salvaging his quest. However, upon tasting it, Nacho Bear spits out the chip in disappointment, causing a flavor-packed explosion of crumbs.
- Production Speed: Devin crafted this scene in under 3 hours, showcasing his prowess in animation, editing, and storytelling.
Devin Millar’s Creative Process
- Tools of the Trade: Using FireAlpaca for animation and Premiere Pro for video editing, Devin meticulously recreated backgrounds and characters, adding his signature frame-by-frame animation style.
- Online Presence: Devin’s side channels like Finder Lurker and KAIJAACK host his diverse content, including this innovative Nacho Bear revision.
Devin Millar’s transformative edit of Nacho Bear’s storyline exemplifies his dedication to bringing joy and closure to nostalgic cartoon characters. As Devin continues to redefine narratives through animation and creativity, fans eagerly anticipate his future projects, hoping for more happy endings in the world of animation.